Clarins Lotus Face Treatment Oil: My Oily Skin Saviour!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hi everyone! Just going to start of my apologizing for the lack of posts over the last few days, Thursday was my 21st and since then I've not been on my computer much at all. Thursday I had a meal with my family, Friday-Saturday I was at a Spa with my mum and sister (bliss!) and Saturday had a big night out with friends which I'm still paying for! Enough about that and on to one of my favourite finds I have ever come across, the Clarins Lotus Face Treatment Oil!

I will start off by saying if you're anything like me, I was so skeptical and scared at the thought of putting oil on my oily skin. Surely it would just make me oilier? The answer is a definite no. First off, I love the smell of the product. It's sort of a light herbal scent and bare in mind I'm never usually a fan of herbal. I also like the little perpet which makes for giving you the perfect amount to spread all over your face at night. Like I said before, I didn't expect much at all to come of this other than to become more oily but I was completely wrong!

I would now never be without this! I've tried everything to fix my oily t-zone from cleansers, to masks, to foundations and all have either done nothing or helped me stay oil free for an extra hour. The first couple of days I used this my skin felt soft and brightened in the morning, all the oil had sunk in over night and my skin looked healthy. I thought to myself great, I spent all this money just to get the same effect I can already get from other products in my collection. However a week on, the difference is incredible. Oil production on my face has gone down massively, to the point i'm only touching up my powder once throughout the day instead of every couple of hours. On top of this, my foundation goes on far nicer and my pores are visibly reduced (something I don't say about many products at all!).

You start off using the product alone after cleansing and toning overnight, then you move on to mixing it with whatever moisturizer you usually use at night which I am about to do. If you don't have combination/oily skin, there is also a dry skin formula which I've heard is great too.

If you're nervous about putting oil on oily skin don't be, it's helped balance my skin out and stop oil production all throughout the day and done wonders for my skin. This is now a skincare staple in my routine and I will never be without it!

Have you tried this? What's your oily skin saviour? 


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