The Liebster and Versatile Blogger Award!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A few days ago I had a message to say I'd been nominated for the Liebster and Versatile Blogger Award by Bare Faced Beauty Junkie. I think this is a great opportunity for new bloggers (like myself!) to gain some recognition so thought i'd do the post myself :)

The Liebster blog award is for newer blogs with under 200 followers and it works like this:

  • List 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions the nominator made for you and also create 11 more questions for the blogs you nominate 
  • Choose 11 people and link them to your post 
  • Go to their page and tell them.
  • No tag backs

My 11 facts:

- My nicknames vary from Lilly, KP and Peanut. The first is because my sister couldn't say my name when we were little and the last 2 are because of my initials
- I am a huge fan of cooking and weight loss shows - my favourites being Masterchef and The Biggest Loser 
- I study Music and love it, I've interviewed a few bands now and it's the most exciting thing I've ever done 
- I love to read thriller/mystery books and love action films, I have a pretty manly taste in movies!
- I'm intolerant to dairy, eggs and cashews so I'm seriously limited on foods I can eat. I miss cheese and chocolate so bad!
- I have an extremely varied music taste but my favourite genre is folk, I particularly love Wakey! Wakey! and interviewed Grubbs before for my course (L) aka, Grubbs from One Tree Hill
- I am a bit of a nerd and love Xbox and Nintendo 64, mainly action games such as Grand Theft Auto
- I have a huge girl crush on Mila Kunis
- I'm a typical beauty blogger who loves Yankee Candles, except my favourites are the 'fresh' scents not the sweet ones that most people do
- I cannot sleep without a fan on in my room, I HATE sleeping in silence!
- I have an irrational fear of belly buttons, they literally make me gag :(


1. If you had to choose one beauty holy grail what would it be?  Probably Korres Lip Butters because I HATE having dry lips and they are the only things that work for me
2.If you could live in one city in the world where would it be and why? I'm not totally sure! I'd probably want to live nearish to London still for my career but I would definitely live in Dublin if I could take all my loved ones with me :)
3.Are you Team Edward or Jacob? Twilight actually really isn't my thing, oops!
4.Do you watch the Real Housewives? If so what's your favourite city? Again, don't really watch this either!
5.Do blondes have more fun? I've never been a blonde so I'd obviously have to say no ;) we all do no matter what the hair colour!
6.Would you rather be boiling hot or freezing cold? Cold, because I love snuggling up in hoodies and my quilt
7.The Kardashians- yay or nay? Yay that their make up is always beautiful, nay to being a huge fan!
8.Are you a dog or cat person? Definitely dog person. I have a dog at home :)
9.What's the most fulfilling thing you have ever done? Probably interviewing Wakey! Wakey! as they are one of my favourite bands
10. If you got given £1000 what would you spend it on? A treat for all my loved ones and a holiday!
11.Any beauty tricks to share? Not so much a tip but when filling in eyebrows I always find it's a lot better to apply gel first so you get a neater finish

Finally, the blogs I tag!

Ferdie's Place -

The 11 Questions I ask them..

1) What are three beauty items you couldn't live without?
2) What is your favourite nail polish?
3) Holy Grail skincare item?
4) What's your favourite genre of movies and your favourite movie?
5) What's your aim in blogging?
6) If you could visit any other country, what would it be?
7) What company would you most like to work for?
8) How would you describe your style?

9) Favourite musician?
10) What's your wierdest fear?
11) What's your favourite thing about blogging?


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